Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Dear Mr. Curly,
I have not written to you in quite some time, I suppose because there has been very little to report. My journey has appeared to have developed into a process of steady plodding which I rather like. When you plod, everything seems to take forever and forever is a lovely thing once you stop being scared of it.
Strange, how something that takes a lot of time can give you a feeling that there IS a lot of time - and a lot of space and a great mesure of ease. So onward I plod, through beautiful things and terible things, too numerous to mention, with my duck ahead of me and my gargling angel to protect me from above. I am well and I hope you are too.
Best wishes, yours truly,
Vasco Pyjama
PS: Is it "gargling" angel or "guardian" angel? Somebody once suggested it should be "guardian," but I grew up believing it was "gargling" - my "gargling angel" and that's how I think of it. Oh well, whatever, it seems to care for me!
...from "The Curly Pyjama Letters," by Michael Leunig

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