Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday's Daily Dose 9/23/08 THE MOON'S THE NORTH WIND'S COOKY

This poem is in my all-time favorite anthology, which my mother read to me from though my entire childhood. The book is called Silver Pennies, and it was edited by Blanche Jennings Thompson, and published by MacMillan in 1927.If you can find a copy get it! It's filled with poems about fairies, and about children in touch with the world's magic.Last time I looked on line, used copies were easily findable.

[What the Little Girl Said]
The Moon's the North Wind's Cooky.
He bites it,day by day,
Until there's but a rim of scraps
That crumble all away.

The South Wind is a baker.
He kneads clouds in his den.
And bakes a crisp new moon that... greedy

--Vachel Lindsay

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